Download the Booking app to manage your upcoming sessions - reschedule & cancel as well as booking new sessions and joining the waiting list when a session is full.
Use this link to download: http://wix.to/wcAfC7U
(if it asks for a code it’s: BLZMRH)
All you need to sign in is the email and/or password you use normally to book your sessions, this will ensure you’re currently booked sessions show up.
To view your profile and bookings you click the person icon bottom right. There you can view your upcoming sessions, reschedule and cancel.
Bookings and session availability are also shown on the app.
It will not show as a Bootcamp icon on your home screen unless you add it (there’s a button on one of the menus for that), it will show as a wix spaces icon.
If you have any issues contact liam@gbbootcamp.co.uk